Basic Car Maintenance


Cars that are manufactured today need less maintenance. Even the newest models of cars still require some maintenance. It is important to follow the car manual to determine what needs to be done. Each car owner will know how to take good care of their unit from basic maintenance to simple troubleshooting. Car owners will treat their vehicles like their own child. You should know how to maintain their car so it is always in good running condition and last for a long time.

Tips for basic car maintenance:

Here are some basic car maintenance tips that car owners should follow and practice.

  • Check engine oil:

Checking the level of your engine oil is the most important thing you have to consider before riding your car. The car engine consists of moving parts which will definitely need a good level to protect them from untimely wear. There will be two kinds of engine oil like a monograde which is the ordinary one and a multigrade which will be specially formulated one that will protect your engine providing more mileage before undergoing change oil.

  • Check engine level coolant:

It will be best to check your coolant level to prevent the high-temperature problem that will lead to engine overheating. When your car starts, the process of the engine will take place and it reaches degrees. From the radiator, it will pass through the coolant chamber inside the engine taking some of the heat off. It passes through the different coolant or water chamber and it returns from the radiator the automotive cooling process. It is a mixture of ordinary tap water with a specially formulated coolant that will protect your radiator from the scale that will damage your radiator.

  • Electrical system:

Make sure electrical system and it tries will be in great condition. This will check your electrical system and all important lights like head light, signal light, and park light. This will be done to avoid car accidents and this will avoid the additional damage to your car. This will try before you go on a trip. Make sure to bring along spare tire when going for a long trip.

  • Check car gauges:

Start your engine and check if the voltage gauge, oil pressure gauge, air pressure and temperature gauge will be in normal condition. For voltage gauge, after turning your key you will notice that will reach 24v but you will start your engine. If you start your engine your oil pressure will move as soon as the engine heats. The temperature gauge will show the temperature of your engine. The normal temperature of an engine is one-half of the gauges in flat lying area. If you reach an inclined plane than your normal temperature will reach your gauge.

  • Check battery and brake system:

Car battery life usually depends on how often the owner uses the vehicle and on the road travels. Make sure to change your battery to avoid damage to the engine.

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