Seniors and Exercise: 5 Tips for Success


Being active is an important part of staying fit, and it’s not just reserved for the young. When you reach your senior years, being active is just as much a vital ingredient of good health. However, as the bones deteriorate and the body aches more, taking part in rigorous HIIT workouts won’t be achievable. Therefore, you will need to spend time finding a way to move that works for you, whether it’s walking with friends or going for a weekly swim.

Understand Your Limitations

If you’re not used to strenuous activity, a rigorous workout will leave your body feeling tender and sore. However, exercise in general shouldn’t leave you in pain, which is why you need to understand your body’s limitations. If you find that parts of your body are hurting, it’s likely an indication that you need to change your routine. If you notice any of the following issues during a working, get yourself scheduled for a medical assessment:

  • Joint swelling and ongoing pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness
  • Chest pains

If you’re lucky enough to benefit from the 24/7 healthcare provisions of assisted living in Oak Park IL, the staff will help you build an exercise program that will agree with your body.

Making it Social

Working out on your own is difficult because there’s no one there to make sure you stick to your scheduled activity. Therefore, it’s a good idea to have a partner or a group of friends to keep you accountable. Additionally, playing with other people can make exercise more fun because it gives you a chance to play team-based sports.

Finding Enjoyment

There’s no point in putting together an exercise schedule full of activities you’ll hate, as you won’t stick to it. Therefore, you need to choose exercises that you will fully enjoy. For example, if walking on a treadmill sounds like your idea of torture, step outside and take a stroll through the nearby countryside. Alternatively, you can engage in a strenuous hobby like gardening. It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as it’s enjoyable and gets the heart pumping.

Pace Yourself

If you go in too fast with your workouts, your body will get injured, and you’ll be out of action. Therefore, instead of hitting the ground running and wearing your body down, it’s important to stop when you need to take a comfort break. By allowing yourself a chance to slow down, you’ll get more out of any activity because you can take part for longer.

Set Goals and Give Rewards

Whether you enjoy an activity or not, it can still be challenging to keep up with exercising. Therefore, to help you remain motivated and engaged, come up with a series of goals and rewards. For example, challenge yourself to complete a certain number of reps or walk a given distance. Then, once you’ve completed the milestone, reward yourself and set new goals.

Keeping active during your senior years is an essential part of staying healthy, but that doesn’t exercise needs to feel like a chore. Complete activities you love, involve a workout partner, and motivate yourself through goals and rewards.

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